Moi Panda

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From immigrant to global citizen, finding home where she truly belongs-Allie’s story

Every tale of success is built upon numerous stories of failure. This holds especially true for immigrants striving to change their residence to pursue a better life or for various other reasons.

People decide to move to a new country for all sorts of motivations. In my case, it was the desire to connect with my roots and discover a place where I could truly feel at home. My name is Aleksandra, and I was born in Russia, not far from the old Finnish city Viipuri, into a family that once had close ties with Finland but was cut off from the past homeland due to the Winter War. I never had the chance to learn the Finnish language because my great-grandmother, the one who spoke it fluently, passed away before I was born. Nevertheless, I was captivated by the stories my father shared with me, and because of this, I decided to visit Finland when I grew up. During my initial visit, I was deeply impressed and charmed by this cosy and beautiful country. After a few subsequent visits, I decided to move here and start a new chapter in my life.

Starting over in a new country is never easy, but I wasn't alone and had good motivation. Alongside my partner, we faced hundreds of challenges, each deserving a separate story, and eventually found our place in Finland.

Through my journey and interactions with other immigrants, I realized how tough it is for people to find their place in a new country. Even if you don't feel lonely or like an outsider due to cultural differences, making friends or securing a job without any contacts in a new place is really hard. The challenges are real – adapting to a new culture, overcoming language barriers, and navigating societal misunderstandings.

In the modern world, despite technological advancements, these challenges persist. It's not merely about fitting into a new culture; it's an everyday endeavour to construct a sense of home in a place that initially feels unfamiliar.

Fortunately, I had the privilege of meeting Feiya, the creator of MoiPanda. Her vision for the company and the ideas that led her to create MoiPanda resonated deeply with my experience. As a designer and artist, the importance of my work in my life is undeniable – after all, your job takes up a significant part of your time. The idea of spending a lifetime on something lacking personal importance is disheartening. So joining the MoiPanda team and getting a meaningful job and mission
helped me to feel rightfully at home, and I'm happy to be a part of a collective passionately dedicated to crafting solutions for the challenges immigrant families encounter.

For me, finding the right job played a crucial role in finding the right place in a new country, however, for other immigrants with different priorities, such as friends or a rich cultural life, the key factor may vary. Nevertheless, all these factors are impossible without social interactions, and social interactions play a key role in immigration. While we now have many ways to interact with each other through social networks and digital platforms, the digital world is still a place that contains not only opportunities to meet new people but also dangers that can lead to loneliness and frustration.

As we move forward, embracing the responsibilities of true global digital citizenship, it is imperative to extend a helping hand, show kindness, and build bridges across the digital realm. The goal is not just to coexist but to create a digital environment that mirrors the warmth, inclusivity, and understanding found in our physical communities.

In essence, the journey of immigration is a shared voyage, and by supporting one another, we contribute to the collective tapestry of a world where every individual, regardless of their origin, can authentically feel at home. Together, we can turn the challenges of immigration into opportunities for growth, understanding, and a more connected global community.

By sharing my story, I hope to shed light on the different facets of the immigrant experience and key factors that may prove crucial in your journey in your new home.

Allie Reppo, UI/UX Designer at Moi Panda